Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a typical session last?

45-50 minutes

What will be the frequency of these sessions?

Weekly for duration of agreed upon package (3 months, 6 months, 1 year)

Will you be meeting in person or online?

As greed upon between Coach and client

Will clients be able to choose their preferred mode of sessions?

Yes, after first in person meeting which occurs for papers to be signed

What has been the average duration of the entire program for previous clients?

Varied based on progress with goal attainment – I no longer offer less than three months

What other benefits will clients have?

Access to between visit communication by web as established in package

Completing home assignments between sessions can help keep you focused on goal

How much would clients be charged?

Payment is packaged based and paid in advance of end of service.  No charge card payments

Would pricing be on a session-to-session basis or do you have monthly payments as well?

Session to session payment is not preferred but can occur as agreed upon.

Monthly Payment is due at beginning of each month

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