
Praise for Ida

Great tips!! ~Beth L.

Love your encouraging tone. Very inviting and accessible. ~Emily N.

Every bit of encouragement is life giving! ~Loretta L.

Additional Praise

I’m writing to say Ida really helped me through a difficult transition in my life. She has been a friend and colleague for years. Ida could tell I wasn’t thriving at my job. She encouraged me to take the steps to let go of a not so good situation and step off to a new journey to a happier and more rewarding life. She was available when I needed her and provided me with needed tips to make the change happen. She really took the time to understand my situation and encouraged me to grow. I can’t thank her enough. I recommend Ida’s assistance to anyone needing encouragement and support through a life change.


Thank you for taking the time to come to our support group.  We enjoyed having you.  I’m glad that you had the opportunity to receive evaluations.  I’m happy to hear they were so positive!  I thought it was wonderful and it seemed to speak to many of the participants.  I will definitely be in touch soon about having you again in the near future.

Thank you again for all your assistance and knowledge.

Danielle, 2013

Book Reviews

Finding and Loving Your Hidden Self by Ida Gregoire, RSM, CCHt, CLC

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it has value for any stage in life, old or young, after a major setback ,illness or loss of a loved one, done together with a friend, as a classroom opportunity reshaped to the language of the student, or as you suggest, as a solitary opportunity. …

I refer to it often, especially as a reminder for what I already know about myself but keep forgetting! I love the simplicity of the questions, and the space allowed to record responses, which can evolve over time. as our insights deepen.

Steven, 2023

Finding Your Soul:  Step by Step by Ida Gregoire, RSM, CCHt, CLC   2018

The author offers strategies to become more aware of your thoughts and wishes to promote peace and growth as you progress through the seasons of the year.  She gives suggestions on how to deal  with confrontations and disappointments.  Through this journey the reader is guided to assess thoughts and actions to lead a more meaningful, calm, and rewarding life by living in the present. 

                                                                                                Elizabeth K. McLane, 2020

The Ongoing Process of Finding Soul by Ida Gregoire, RSM, CCHt, CLC

The volume is a sequel to Finding Your Soul:  Step by Step.  Ida Gregoire has written to promote new avenues of evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses and to  examine the past and its effect on the present and future.   Ideas are offered to  assist one in becoming comfortable with change and adversity.

                                                                                                Elizabeth K. McLane, 2020

“Finding Soul” and it’s companion “The Ongoing Process of Finding Soul” are wonderful gems of self discovery. Whether undertaken individually, with a partner or group, each question is sensitively framed to invite the reader toward a vast world of possibility and self awareness. The process guides us into our unique interpretation of authentic, purposeful and joyful living. Highly recommended for all stages of our life journey. 

Steve Jarose, 2019

I think this book of reflection will assist many people. Kudos to you!

Mary Ellen, 2019

Hypnosis Testimonials

Thank you again for the guidance and methods which I am using successfully!

J. J. 2015

Thank you so much for giving me the tools and the confidence I so desperately needed. With your help I was able to get into the college of my choice.

Collin R 2013

Coaching Testimonials

Ida provided valuable life coaching to me for over a year. Her ability to listen to what I was saying, more than just the words that I was using, is gift from which I benefited a great deal. Her kindness and compassion were mixed with the right amount of directness that I needed, and she is an expert at modifying that mixture as the situation requires. Ida’s ability to see right to the core of a need and help guide her client comfortably towards it enables the greatest amount of growth. I truly appreciate all of the time that I was able to utilize her services. — D. D. 2020

Spiritual Workshop February 2019 – Testimonials

I attended for peace.  I feel I am working my best to become hopeful.  I have benefitted from this by hearing the faith of others.  yes, I would refer others to this workshop  R. K.

I attended for help listen to God.  I need to find a good time to be with + (God).

I learned that I need to let go of hurt and disappointment. yes, I would refer others to this workshop  I.C.

I attended this workshop for better information.  I have benefitted being at peace..  Scripture always brings a special message.  Yes I would refer others to this workshop.  I feel enlightened.  R. R.

I attended to bring me closer to God.  I have benefitted by being challenged to know myself, to control my body and release stress.  Yes, I would refer others to this workshop. L.

I attended this workshop to get more insight.  I have benefitted.  I learn from communication…By relaxing.  Yes, I would refer others to this workshop.  A. R.

I attended for answers to domestic situation/problem.  I am encouraged to seek answers clearly from above.  Has got time, started thinking.  I benefitted by gaining interest for next session.  Yes I would refer others to this workshop   J.R.V. 2019

I attended this session for help with understanding my purpose in life during challenging times. I now have a great appreciation and understanding of how has a plan and a purpose in my life.  I have benefitted by understanding my relationship with God and how confident I now feel and strong to journey on my faith with Jesus walking beside me.  At the end of this session I feel enlightened and free and open minded to change in my life.  The session has made me realize that God is the center of my life and with him I am able to accomplish my heart’s desire.  I have benefitted from this session.  I feel that after this session there lies hope in my life to be able to understand my role and share my learnings with my friends and family.   I spoke to my sister about our session last year and how I grew in my faith and convinced her to attend this years’ session and convinced her to come this year.  RR 2019

I attended to know my own self better.  I feel more relaxed.  I learned that I am not here by accident but by God’s will L. M 2019

I attended for help with my spiritual growth.  Now I feel happy and contented.  I gained stronger Faith, Hope, and Grace V.L

I attended for help with my Faith.  Now I feel hope. I benefitted from testimonials and teachings. Anonymous

I attended for help with better interaction with others.  Now I feel better equip to dialogue with others.  I can better express my understanding of my purpose in life. Anonymous

I attended for help with my spiritual health.  Now I feel satisfied.  I will try to improve my relationship with the Lord. E. P.

I attended for help with inner peace.  Now I feel that I have regained compassion. I feel validated and reminded that we can gain strength in ourselves by learning from others. Anonymous

I attended for help with domestic situation problems.  Now I feel hopeful. D.

I attended for more knowledge.  I feel that I have learned something, enlightened.  I benefitted from the discussions. E. P

Blog Responses

Great job. ~Cindy J.

Thank you! ~Linda P.

I love this [blog post]. And will start [following the tips] in the morning. ~Mary D.

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